For Industry SaaS
SaaS specialized for social infrastructure, optimizing operations for power, shipping, and supply chain
ReNom APPS for Industry SaaS is an industry SaaS that optimizes field operations in three areas: power, shipping, and supply chain. Rapidly develop sophisticated solutions to complex challenges. Quickly develop optimized infrastructure operation plans anytime, anywhere.
Based on our extensive experience in AI development in the social infrastructure field, GRID has created efficient development by standardizing development frameworks even in different domains. We can provide advanced systems speedily with efficient development methods that can only be created by pioneering the implementation of AI in social infrastructures.
Planning for social infrastructure is a complex task that requires advanced technology. ReNom Apps" automates complex planning in a few clicks, truly optimizing the planning process and enabling significant cost savings.
ReNom Apps is provided as SaaS, so you can use it without any restrictions on location or time. It is possible to promote flexible business practices.
Speedy planning for optimal supply and demand
Planning vessel allocation for transportation of diverse products
Planning for the entire supply chain, including raw material procurement and production planning